Opus Alliance announced its net income rose by over 25% as investors look to off-set stock market losses by trading in commodities - Business

Commodity futures and options brokerage, Opus Alliance, said last Friday that its net income rose by over 25% as investors look to off-set stock market losses by trading in commodities. Although preliminary, Opus Alliance's net income looks to have risen to $35.26 million from $28.65 million ahead of analysts estimates of $33 million. The company said the global situation is contributing but its business plan had so far surpassed all forecasts. As a result Opus Alliance raised its 2011 profit target citing its results in the 1st and 2nd quarter along with further growth, better results and improved productivity.

About The CompanyThe Opus Alliance is a fully staffed brokerage consisting of licensed brokers, each one with their own personal trading experience. With our knowledge, specialized service and competitive rates, we service everyone from the first time commodities trader to the professional. Each customer falls under one of the following account categories: Discount, Broker Assisted or Fully Managed. All accounts are registered and administered by our experienced Commodity Trading Advisors (CTAs).A large part of our business is servicing and helping our first-time traders and bridging their trading experience gap so their confidence in these volatile, but profitable, markets grows with each trade. To extend your knowledge and trading experience, we work hand-in-hand with our clients to help them learn and enhance their trading. With this service we can place trades and execute orders over the Internet for you to maximize your potential returns. Once the gap has been bridged , our customers have the choice of continuing to work directly with a broker or moving on to one of the other account types.Our Discount service is excellent for professional and more experienced traders who will benefit from our competitive commission rates, extended hours of service and speed of execution of orders. The Opus Alliance has the ability to call orders directly to the floor for many major markets; we have our main offices in New York and London, as well as a branch office in Hong Kong. Our Discount Service deals with Option Trading, Position Trading, and Day Trading.The Opus Alliance also offers a number of other specialized services and is very flexible with customers to fulfill their many different needs. Some of these special services include placing orders via fax, working specific contingent orders, and helping customers buy and sell options by getting bids and offers directly from the respective trading floor - a huge advantage. View your account and plac e trades with one of the best services in the business. We are open to hear any suggestions that would make our service and your trading, better.Call and speak with one of our brokers regarding the many financial services available with a trading account.

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